Lumen Project Day 91 – The Move Back
It was a great day on Sunday 9th December, what was so special about that day. No special Saints day to celebrate, something better in the eyes of St. Mary’s congregation, it was the Move back into in to the Church building after 3 months of building work.
The work was completed as I have said previously the week before but we needed the time to get the church back in shape. The last post showed some of the members working hard on Monday evening, another session took place on Wednesday during the day, and this gave an opportunity for more members to take part. The jobs included Cleaning returning hymn books, cleaning the floor, vacuuming the carpets and putting back the last of the fittings.
The Sacristans’ were busy preparing the Altar Cloths and cleaning and polishing the alter furnishings. They also had to get prepare everything ready for the procession back at the start of the Sunday Service.
In addition to all this work a team moved in on Saturday to put our Christmas Candle gantries in place in preparation for our Christingle Service on Sunday afternoon, more of that in another posting.
Sunday arrived and we met in the hall as we have since the 10th September, the difference this time was we formed up with all we needed for the service and processed from our temporary home back into the Church proper. It was quite a moving time and we arrived to a bare Altar and dressed it again.
It was a good Service and Mary our organist played for us on our retuned organ.
It was good to be back.
I have tried to show you more what the church looks like now all the scaffolding has been removed and the rain has stopped so a few more photos of the outside of the Church. Also how pleased we are to get back in the main building.
This is not the end of the story. The work does not stop here we have the Soffits and Bargeboards to finish the outside and the floor to be sanded and sealed to finish the inside.