Lumen Project Day 29 – Demolition is over.
We are now four weeks in to the Project and the demolition has been completed. The cold wind is blowing through the church, dust is everywhere but at least we are now seeing moves in construction.
The two dwarf walls are completed and we now have the plasterers in to render the walls ready for the windows.
Now who goes round measuring the holes well we now know it is the men who are manufacturing the windows. They have been in and have taken the exact (well we hope) sizes of the openings are now in the process of starting construction of the windows. Let us hope that the plaster is finished in time for the windows to arrive.
Sorry the photos this week are not much different to previous weeks, in fact very little difference to see only the cavity has been filled in ready for the plaster to get on. It is difficult to capture the cement mixer going round so I did not bother and leave it to your imagination.